Root Capital y Vuna Coffee School: una colaboración de aprendizaje digital

Un estudiante de Vuna Coffee School sentado al lado de la fundadora y directora ejecutiva de la escuela, Sara Morrocchi, en Finca Café Brújula, ubicada en Oaxaca, México. Crédito: Vuna Coffee School El socio de aprendizaje digital de Root Capital, Vuna Coffee School, cubre una brecha fundamental en el mercado de educación cafetalera. Vuna es una plataforma…

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Topics: Partnerships |

Root Capital and Vuna Coffee School: A Digital Learning Partnership

A Vuna Coffee School student sits with the school’s Founder and CEO, Sara Morrocchi, at Finca Café Brújula in Oaxaca, Mexico. Credit: Vuna Coffee School. Root Capital’s digital learning partner, Vuna Coffee School, fills a key gap in the coffee education market. Vuna, a one-of-a-kind digital coffee education platform, was founded in 2020 to address the lack…

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Topics: Partnerships |

Improving Livelihoods and Increasing Smallholder Coffee Farmer Incomes in Chiapas

View overlooking Tenejapa Municipality in Chiapas, where Root Capital client Kulaktik is based. Credit: Root Capital Coffee farms dot the landscape in Mexico’s southernmost state of Chiapas. But coffee production is much more than a key characteristic of the physical landscape in Chiapas-it is also deeply woven into the cultural and economic fabric of the region. Coffee production accounts for…

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Topics: Client Spotlight | Partnerships |

Carbon, Climate, and Coffee: Paying Farmers for Their Efforts to Combat Climate Change

CENFROCAFE producer member Anselmo Díaz on his coffee farm. Rumi Bamba, Las Pirias, Jaen, Cajamarca, Peru. October 8, 2022. Credit: James Rodriguez. Root Capital is pleased to share a new report showing the potential of environmental payments to reward farmers for their use of carbon-friendly, agroforestry practices. This report is the result of three years of collaboration…

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Topics: Climate Action | Partnerships |

Organic Agroforestry as a Climate Solution: Cool Farm Tool Pilot Project Findings and Lessons Learned

This article originally appeared on the blog of Cooperative Coffees, a Root Capital partner. PHOTOS: James Rodriguez. At Root Capital, we’ve always believed in the power of small-scale, organic agroforestry to contribute to climate stabilization and increased resilience. In our conversations and visits with partners over the years, we’ve seen that producers’ work to plant and conserve…

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Topics: Client Spotlight | Climate Action | Mexico and Central America | Partnerships | South America |

Root Capital Announces New Initiative to Strengthen Gender Lens Investing in Agriculture

Take a look around any farming community and you’ll see countless hardworking women producing the food and other commodities that nourish our world. Women plant and tend crops, collect the harvest when it’s ready, work in sorting and processing facilities, oversee finances, manage business operations, train farmers and employees, and own rural enterprises. They constitute 43% of the agricultural workforce…

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Topics: Gender Equity | News and Announcements | Partnerships |

How We Utilize Outcomes-Based Financing to Help Early-Stage Enterprises Grow

While you may not be able to find Matagalpa, Nicaragua on a map, you can taste it in your morning cup of coffee. This region is one of the world’s biggest coffee producers, thanks to the thousands of smallholder farming families who call it home. Individually, these farmers could never get their harvest from their field to your breakfast table.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | Partnerships |

Building Business Capacity from Afar: A Q&A With Root Capital Advisor Ousmane Sané

Root Capital’s innovative advisory services are powered by our talented team of advisory consultants. These trainers work closely with agricultural businesses to address the day-to-day challenges of running a remote enterprise. Working together, they build skills and processes that foster growth and resilience in the long term. One of these advisors is Ousmane Sané, known as Sané, who’s been a…

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Topics: Advisory Services | Africa | Client Spotlight | News and Announcements | Next Generation Jobs | Partnerships |

Root Capital and DFC Invest in Rural Women Through the 2X Challenge

When you run a small enterprise in a rural community, it’s difficult to access the financing you need to grow. If you’re a woman running one of these enterprises, it’s even harder. The International Finance Corporation estimates that up to 70% of women-owned enterprises in emerging markets are overlooked by lenders. These women-owned enterprises face a…

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Topics: Gender Equity | News and Announcements | Partnerships |

Un futuro más sostenible para las abejas—y los apicultores—en el sur de México

En la península de Yucatán, México, ubicada lejos del mar, la ciudad de Cacaptxa está llena de abejas. En esta comunidad maya, la miel es más que un negocio, es un punto de referencia cultural. Muchas familias han criado abejas durante generaciones. Algunos aún recuerdan cuando la miel se usaba en lugar de las visitas al médico para cerrar las…

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Topics: Advisory Services | Client Spotlight | Climate Action | Gender Equity | Mexico and Central America | Partnerships |