Next Generation Jobs Next Generation Jobs

Investing in the Future of Young Macadamia Producers in Kenya

28 August 2024

Dickson Wachira, pictured at the Sagana Nuts facility in Kenya, has been with the enterprise for nearly 10 years, acting as the Factory Manager for the last five. Credit: Adam Finch/Root Capital

If there is one word that epitomizes Sagana Nuts Limited, a macadamia nut processor in Kenya, it’s “youthful.” Not only is 75% of the company’s workforce below 35, but the company is ambitious and energized in its mission to create change in agriculture for the next generation.

No one exemplifies this enthusiastic energy more than Dickson Wachira, Factory Manager at Sagana Nuts. Dickson, who joined Sagana Nuts in 2017, is determined to modernize Kenya’s burgeoning macadamia nut industry and to inspire young people not only to get involved in local agriculture, but to stick around for the long-haul.

The Challenge

For small rural communities like Sagana, attracting skilled talent can be difficult. There are few jobs, and those that exist are often low-paying, sporadic, and unfulfilling. In addition, extreme weather conditions and crop diseases make careers in agriculture seem volatile and less appealing to young jobseekers. As a result, each year, millions of African youth migrate from their families’ farms in search of better, more “stable” opportunities in cities or overseas.

But with every young person that moves away, a community suffers. Without youth to inherit and improve on the tools of the trade, the thousands of people served by smallholder farming struggle to imagine a better future.

Factory Manager of Sagana Nuts, Dickson Wachira, converses with three Talent Partners, whose year-long internships are funded by Root Capital. Credit: Adam Finch/Root Capital

Our Collaboration

The solution lies in the beating heart of rural communities: agricultural businesses. These enterprises make agriculture work for young people by providing reliable incomes and jobs – not only for farmers, but also for skilled employees throughout the enterprise.

In 2023, Root Capital provided Sagana Nuts with three interns through our Talent Partnership program – yearlong, fully-paid internships that link recent university graduates with agricultural businesses in need of skilled professionals. The program is a win-win for both parties: the young graduates get hands-on experience in their chosen field, while agricultural businesses benefit from qualified young professionals motivated to create meaningful change.

In the case of Sagana Nuts, the Talent Partnerships resulted in two agronomy interns and a production intern who have infused the business with creative energy and innovative ideas that will support the operation for years to come.

Caption: Watch this video to see Dickson and the Talent Partners in action. This work was made possible by the Swiss Re Foundation.

The Impact

The agronomy interns piloted a new way of grafting saplings, while the intern specializing in production implemented a rigorous quality control process and introduced a strict food safety management system. These improved operations will support Sagana Nuts to grow sustainably and feed even more people.

Meanwhile, the placed interns benefited from practical, hands-on experience that is difficult to replicate in a university setting. Working with Root Capital’s advisors, they have improved their leadership and communication skills, acquiring the necessary confidence to speak up in meetings and make informed decisions. “They have really gained a lot of confidence in what they know and what they do,” concludes Dickson. He hopes that he will be able to offer full-time, paid positions to the interns upon the completion of the program.

As Sagana’s story makes evident, Talent Partnerships create a pathway for rural businesses, youth, and their communities to work towards a shared goal: fostering a new generation of leaders to build resilience and lasting change.