Cross-sector Experts Join Root Capital’s Board of Directors

Root Capital is pleased to announce the addition of four new members to our board of directors: Ken Bartels, Macani Toungara, Mario Fernández, and Salah Goss. These members join our board with a wealth of experience across sectors and around the world. They bring deep expertise in several key aspects of our work—the coffee value chain, youth inclusion, philanthropic partnerships,…

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Deepening Resilience in Rural Communities: Results from Root Capital’s Second COVID-19 Survey

During this global pandemic, one of the most glaring shortages is access to reliable information. That’s particularly true in the rural communities where we work. As public health and economic responses focus on the concerns of dense, urban areas, rural communities are being left behind. But it’s impossible to design an effective response in these communities without information on how…

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Topics: Client Spotlight | News and Announcements |

Building Business Capacity from Afar: A Q&A With Root Capital Advisor Ousmane Sané

Root Capital’s innovative advisory services are powered by our talented team of advisory consultants. These trainers work closely with agricultural businesses to address the day-to-day challenges of running a remote enterprise. Working together, they build skills and processes that foster growth and resilience in the long term. One of these advisors is Ousmane Sané, known as Sané, who’s been a…

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Topics: Advisory Services | Africa | Client Spotlight | News and Announcements | Next Generation Jobs | Partnerships |

Root Capital and DFC Invest in Rural Women Through the 2X Challenge

When you run a small enterprise in a rural community, it’s difficult to access the financing you need to grow. If you’re a woman running one of these enterprises, it’s even harder. The International Finance Corporation estimates that up to 70% of women-owned enterprises in emerging markets are overlooked by lenders. These women-owned enterprises face a…

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Topics: Gender Equity | News and Announcements | Partnerships |

Preserving Lives and Livelihoods: An Update on Our COVID-19 Response

As the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, we believe that saving lives must go hand in hand with preserving livelihoods. Agricultural businesses can play a key role in reaching the most vulnerable populations with creative, rapid responses that build long-term resilience. In a survey of our client businesses, we found they are struggling to manage their cash flow…

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Topics: News and Announcements |

Latest Findings About Root Capital’s Impact on Rural Livelihoods

Note: This blog is the final post in a four-part series exploring how Root Capital measures and manages the impact of our lending. Read parts one, two, and three. Impact measurement and management is at the heart of Root Capital’s work, helping us optimize our efforts to transform rural communities. By measuring our impact, we…

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Topics: Client Spotlight | News and Announcements | South America |

An Update on Root Capital’s COVID-19 Response

It has been five weeks since we closed the Root Capital offices and switched to remote work across the globe. First and foremost, I’m grateful to report the good health of our team and clients and wish the same for you and your loved ones. 

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Topics: News and Announcements |

How We’re Continuing to Support Rural Businesses and Smallholder Farmers During the Coronavirus Outbreak

As individuals, communities, and organizations, we are all adapting to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Root Capital and the agricultural businesses we support are no exception; which is why we’re doing everything we can to continue advancing our mission during this uncertain time. 

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Topics: News and Announcements |

COVID-19 Update From Root Capital

As the world faces an outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), our thoughts are with all of you in our global community. This is a difficult time, with many unknowns. But one thing is certain: we must continue being in solidarity with the most vulnerable.

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Topics: News and Announcements |

Root Capital’s Impact in 2019

Last year, we partnered with agricultural enterprises to unlock prosperity in some of the most economically and environmentally vulnerable regions of the world. With the help of our donors and investors, we reached more than three million people in rural households. Thank you for supporting our mission to build prosperous, inclusive, and resilient rural communities.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | News and Announcements |