Bridging the Gap: Funding Climate Solutions in Rural Communities

Eighty-five percent. That’s how much of our world’s need for climate finance is unmet according to the Climate Policy Initiative. As we bear witness to the ever-increasing threats of climate change on the world stage, we continue to fall far short of what’s needed.  Only 1.7% of global climate finance is directed to smallholder agriculture. Meanwhile, rural communities,…

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Topics: Climate Action | News and Announcements |

Meet Root Capital’s New Chief External Affairs Officer

Root Capital is pleased to welcome Scott McDonald as our new Chief External Affairs Officer. A longtime supporter of our work, Scott recently sat down with us to share more about his background and role at Root Capital. Over the past three-plus decades, Scott has contributed to game-changing organizations in the fields of social finance, international development, and more. Most…

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Topics: News and Announcements |

Latest Findings: How Two Ghanaian Enterprises are Impacting Farmer Livelihoods

Note: Click here to learn more about how we conduct impact studies in rural communities. In Ghana’s Eastern Region, the world’s first organic- and Fair Trade-certified oil palm enterprise, Serendipalm, sources oil palm fruit from over 500 smallholder farmers. Eight hundred kilometers north, in the Upper East Region, a sorghum aggregator called Faranaya purchases grain from close to…

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Topics: Africa | Client Spotlight | News and Announcements |

Our 5 Favorite Stories from 2021

In 2021, rural communities persevered through a relentless pandemic, tore down barriers to gender equity, and innovated novel solutions to the climate crisis. In the face of dire circumstances, the resolve of agricultural enterprises-and the steadfast support of our partners-continued to move the needle for inclusion, equity, and sustainability in rural communities.  In case you missed it, we wanted to…

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Topics: Client Spotlight | News and Announcements |

Root Capital Announces New Initiative to Strengthen Gender Lens Investing in Agriculture

Take a look around any farming community and you’ll see countless hardworking women producing the food and other commodities that nourish our world. Women plant and tend crops, collect the harvest when it’s ready, work in sorting and processing facilities, oversee finances, manage business operations, train farmers and employees, and own rural enterprises. They constitute 43% of the agricultural workforce…

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Topics: Gender Equity | News and Announcements | Partnerships |

Experts in Gender Equity and Nonprofit Management Join Root Capital’s Board of Directors

Root Capital is pleased to announce the addition of two new members to our board of directors: Sophie Romana and Scott McDonald. Sophie is a leading consultant in gender equity and financial inclusion who has spent years expanding access to credit for women around the world. Scott has a wealth of experience in international organizations, developing innovative fundraising and partnership…

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Topics: News and Announcements |

Root Capital’s Impact in 2020

Last year, our global community stood up for farming families when they needed us most. During the pandemic, we partnered with agricultural enterprises to unlock prosperity for more than three million people in some of the most economically and environmentally vulnerable regions in the world. Thank you for ensuring that protecting lives and preserving livelihoods could go hand in hand.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | News and Announcements |

Cinco lecciones que hemos aprendido del año 2020

“Exigente” “Aleccionador” “Sin precedentes” Las palabras no describen adecuadamente el año 2020. El asombroso número de víctimas de la pandemia define este año, pero también lo hacen los ejemplos de esperanza, unidad e innovación. Y no todas esas historias llegaron a los titulares. En las comunidades rurales donde trabaja Root Capital, el 2020 también ha sido un año de adversidad…

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Topics: News and Announcements |

Five Lessons We’re Taking from 2020

“Challenging” “Sobering” “Unprecedented” Words fail to adequately describe 2020. The staggering toll of the pandemic defines this year, but so do examples of hope, unity, and innovation. And not all of those stories made headline news. In the remote communities where Root Capital works, 2020 has also been a year of adversity and adaptation. Here are five lessons we’re taking…

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Topics: News and Announcements |

Bringing Climate Action to Farming Communities: Root Capital’s Climate Resilience Roadmap

This week, Hurricane Iota became the strongest storm ever to hit Nicaragua. The category four storm ripped across the country with torrential rains and winds topping 155mph, mere weeks after the same communities were devastated by Hurricane Eta. In Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua, the 550 members of the Flor de Cafe coffee cooperative…

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Topics: Climate Action | News and Announcements |