
Category: Mexico and Central America

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Lending in Local Currency for Strategic Impact

Root Capital's new initiative offers local currency loans to reduce exchange rate risks, improve cash flow for agricultural enterprises, and promote local market growth. ASOPEP in Colombia.Our first Colombian pesos loan was disbursed to Asociación de Productores Ecológicos de Planadas (ASOPEP) in late January 2024.


IN PHOTOS: How Small Businesses Are Driving Rural Prosperity and Tackling Climate Change in Honduras

In March, I went on my fourth trip with Root Capital—one very near and dear to my heart because it was to my home country: Honduras. As someone who was born and grew up there—and who has since spent a career working to address the challenges of poverty, climate change, and migration in this region and beyond—it was very meaningful to once again be amid the verdant farms and vibrant communities at the heart of this work…
