
Category: Climate Action

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Biodigesters: Turning Waste Into Clean Energy in East Africa

Root Capital clients in Kenya are piloting biodigesters, turning organic waste into biogas and biofertilizer. This initiative enhances rural livelihoods by providing clean cooking energy, reducing costs, and promoting environmental sustainability.


Resilient Coffee in Peru: Investing in Robusta

Peru is a global leader in Fairtrade coffee, with smallholder farmers producing high-quality coffee in remote areas. Root Capital supports these farmers, including the innovative Cooperativa Agraria de Productores de Alonso de Alvarado (CAPAA), through financing and training.


Comon Yaj Noptic: A Small Coffee Cooperative Focused on Sustainability

The Comon Yaj Noptic cooperative is nestled within the buffer zone of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, one of the world’s most diverse forest reserves, in Chiapas, Mexico. The reserve has a dense cloud forest, which consists of constant low-level clouds that produce a mix of fog, mist, and rain…
