Root Capital’s Impact in 2018

In 2018, we partnered with hundreds of businesses that changed the lives of nearly three million people in farming communities around the world. We are deeply grateful to our donors and investors for helping us raise incomes, create jobs, and unlock opportunities for farming families. Check out this infographic that shows what your support made possible in 2018.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | News and Announcements |

What Our Work in Nicaragua Looks Like Right Now

For years, many Nicaraguans have bristled under the increasingly repressive policies of President Daniel Ortega. Last April, the passage of an unpopular tax law tipped the country over the edge.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | Mexico and Central America |

Three Things That Inspired Me In 2018

Happy New Year! 2018 was another impactful year for Root Capital. We worked with 200+ businesses to reach more than 625,000 farmers, connecting them to markets and services. Over the last 20 years, I've been consistently inspired by the tenacity and ingenuity of the agricultural enterprises we support—and last year was no exception. Here are just a few of the stories that made my jaw drop in 2018:

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Topics: Client Spotlight |

How These Mayan Farmers Are Modernizing a Two-Thousand-Year-Old Tradition

For the Maya, bees and their honey have always been sacred. Bees are a symbol of fertility and abundance; kaab, the Mayan word for bee, can also be translated as “force,” “land,” or “world.” But for the Mayan producer-members of the EDUCE cooperative, honey isn’t just a part of their cultural heritage. It’s also their livelihood.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | Mexico and Central America |

With the Support of Her Co-op, Coffee Farmer Ana Delia Becerra Is Branching Out Into Ecotourism

By the time the sun rises at Finca Eskandia, the farm has already come alive.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | Climate Action | South America |

Making the Case for Quality: Lessons from Root Capital and Intelligentsia’s First Joint Workshop

When actors across the coffee supply chain invest in quality, everyone benefits—from the farmer who earns better prices to the consumer who enjoys a better cup. Last month, we teamed up with specialty coffee pioneer Intelligentsia and coffee producers from across Colombia to learn how to make coffee better—for the people who drink it and those who grow it.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | Partnerships | South America |

How This Colombian Co-op is Sowing Seeds of Hope in the Wake of Conflict

For the majority of Colombia’s 53-year civil war, the southern province of Cauca was a stronghold of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). In the dog-eared copy of Lonely Planet that I’ve brought with me, the area isn’t even mentioned. Just ten years ago, it was not a recommended destination for tourists. Today, it not only feels safe; it feels welcoming.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | South America |

Cultivating Peace in War-Torn Rural Communities

  War leaves scars. Not just on bodies, but on land and livelihoods. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, decades of violence have left a deep mark on rural areas—and on millions of farmers struggling to survive. 

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Topics: Client Spotlight |

Unlocking Opportunity for Those Who Need It Most

Two billion. That’s the number of people in rural communities who are struggling to survive on less than $2 per day. Many of them are farming to feed the rest of the world, yet they aren’t getting enough to eat. Many live hundreds of miles from accessible markets, without the roads to reach them. With few choices, they’re forced to sell their hard-earned crops at rock-bottom prices. But there’s a way out of this cycle of grinding poverty.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | Mexico and Central America |

On “The Road Where Life Was Once Worth Nothing,” This Business Gives Farmers Purpose

Thirty years ago, this place looked very different. Nestled in the foothills where the Amazon rainforest meets the towering Andes Mountains, the Peruvian town of San Martín de Pangoa exudes an aura of calm. Life seems to move at a leisurely pace; ambling through the town’s mostly-unpaved streets, you’ll see mototaxis rumble slowly past indigenous women cradling their babies in brightly-colored wool blankets. The hills rising above the town are patchworked with a lattice of small farms, and every moto and pickup truck seems to be laden with nearly-bursting sacks of coffee.

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Topics: Client Spotlight | Climate Action | Gender Equity | Next Generation Jobs | South America |