Apply For Services

Request a Loan

Complete this form to learn whether your business is eligible. 

Prior to applying, please take a moment to verify that your business meets these qualifications. This form is also available in Spanish. 

  • Years in Operation: 3 years of business operations. We focus on financing for agricultural businesses, cooperatives and related enterprises. We do not lend directly to individual farms.
  • Minimum Annual Revenue: $100,000
  • Location: Must be legally established in one of Root Capital’s lending countries within Africa, Latin America, or Southeast Asia (see sidebar).
  • Documentation: Must present audited or management-prepared financial statements from the past three years.
  • Products & Services: Must be active in one or more of our focus industries: coffee, cocoa, honey, tree nuts, vanilla, grains, oilseeds, and other staple crops.
  • Commercial Relationships: Must have strong relationships with established buyers.

Once you have submitted this form, a member of our team will contact you within one week to inform you if your business is eligible to apply for Root Capital financing, or to inquire further about your work.

We look forward to learning more about your business and credit needs.

Contact Information

Organizational Information

Credit Request

In submitting this form, our enterprise hereby acknowledges and agrees that Root Capital, its affiliates and/or any related entities may share among each other the data submitted herein, as well Root Capital’s assessment of the enterprise’s credit worthiness. Root Capital may also use any such information in its aggregate and anonymous form for purposes of field-wide assessments and to advance the interests of the sector. 

Root Capital upholds a culture of ethical behavior and integrity. We do not tolerate fraud, bribery, corruption, financial mismanagement or other forms of misconduct. To report any concerns, you may directly email Root Capital's Integrity Officers at the following address: