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Our 5 Favorite Stories from 2021

Posted by: Root Capital, | Friday January 7th, 2022

Selenia Vanegas, coffee producer with COMSA cooperative in Santiago Puringla, La Paz. Selenia was a migrant and lived in the New York working for six years.

In 2021, rural communities persevered through a relentless pandemic, tore down barriers to gender equity, and innovated novel solutions to the climate crisis. In the face of dire circumstances, the resolve of agricultural enterprises-and the steadfast support of our partners-continued to move the needle for inclusion, equity, and sustainability in rural communities. 

In case you missed it, we wanted to revisit some of our most popular stories from the past year. These serve as a reminder about the urgent challenges facing farming families and the inspirational solutions being implemented by rural leaders around the world.

These images were captured during a a donor trip to visit Root Capital clients in Uganda. Participants included representatives from Skoll, World We Want and Pershing Square foundations.

1) How Rural Businesses Are Confronting the Climate Crisis

This year, global leaders made big promises to cut carbon emissions and help people adapt to climate change. But rural communities can’t wait for climate action. Agricultural enterprises have been leading the way on grassroots solutions to the climate crisis for farming families. This photo essay highlights the work of these leaders and shows how we’re scaling their efforts across the globe.


2) Why US Investment in Central America Should Focus on Small Businesses

Over the summer, the Biden administration released a plan to address the root causes of migration in Central America. In this op-ed for Impakter, Root Capital Board Chair Ana Zacapa explains how rural small businesses are critical in ensuring prosperity in the region. Agricultural enterprises are building economic opportunity for would-be migrants, but they need support.

Cristian Gusmán Merlos, young coffee farmer, manager of Fundación Entre Mujeres, community organiser, farming and Fairtrade coffee advisor.

3) The Farmer Who Grew Your Coffee Is Losing Money on Every Cup

While the price of your neighborhood latte may have risen this year, coffee farmers are still struggling to make ends meet. This article explains how coffee cooperatives financed by Root Capital are helping farmers cut costs and boost their incomes on the international market.


4) IN PHOTOS: Leveling the Playing Field for Women in Agriculture

Women are the backbone of the agricultural sector, but several barriers prevent them from accessing the same resources and opportunities as men.  This photo journey demonstrates those barriers and proposes one way we can level the playing field: by supporting agricultural enterprises that support women.

In July 2013, the Root Capital communications team traveled to northern Peru to visit three coffee clients. These photos are from a visit with C.A.C. Chirinos.

5) A Year on Ignacio’s Farm: An Interactive Journey

In the foothills of northern Peru, Ignacio’s family has grown coffee for generations. Now, rising temperatures and erratic weather are threatening the only livelihood he has ever known. Take this interactive quiz to learn more about how climate change is impacting Ignacio and how Root Capital and his cooperative are helping him adapt.

In a year of challenges, we’re grateful for our community of agricultural enterprises, donors, and investors who allowed us to deepen our support for farming families. Now, we’re poised to go even further in 2022 and beyond. 

Photos © Sean Hawkey and Root Capital