Peter Onguka

Peter Onguka

  • Head of Lending, Africa
  • Africa

Peter Onguka has worked at Root Capital since 2010, and currently serves as Head of Lending in Africa. In this role, he oversees lending and financial product innovation across sub-Saharan Africa. Peter focuses on providing innovative financial products to coffee enterprises in East Africa and to other small and growing agricultural businesses across Root Capital’s portfolio. In addition, he oversees regional operations and strategic management across Root Capital’s work in Africa. Since starting his career in microfinance, Peter has spent over twenty years expanding access to credit for traditionally overlooked populations in his home country of Kenya and beyond. Over more than a decade at Root Capital, Peter has developed his expertise in loan structuring, risk assessment and mitigation, portfolio management, pipeline development, and business analytics for agricultural finance. Peter has been a featured speaker at high-profile conferences, including the G25 Africa Coffee Summit and the African Fine Coffees Association Conference. Peter received both his Bachelor of Arts and his M.B.A from the University of Nairobi. In addition, he holds a Certificate in Agriculture Finance from the Kenya School of Monetary Studies, and a diploma in Agribusiness and Post-Harvest Management from the Galilee International Management Institute in Israel.